University Professor

University Professor of Institute for Advanced Study, Kyushu University
Specialized Fields
Supramolecular Chemistry, Molecular Recognition, Functional Polymers
Pioneer Research in Molecular Machines
I retired from the Kyushu University at the end of March, 2008. While my retirement was approaching, I had been advised by my senior associates, to “Throw out the old otherwise you will not get anything new”. I kept their words in mind, and have been preparing for further progress. However, in October 2010, after 1 1/2 years of retirement, I was invited to be a University Professor of the Institute for Advanced Study. I wondered what I should do. I decided positively, as my philosophy is that “To break through the stagnation, a fundamental reformation of study and the educational environment related to human resource development for the younger generation is necessary.” Currently, some trials whose purpose is to stop the recession of Japanese society, are ongoing. These trials have some effect; however, I honestly feel that many of them serve only to patch over problems. I believe that more fundamental treatment involves re-examining the study and educational environment from the starting point. It takes time and energy; however, the fastest way is connected to its fundamental solution. As a result, my mission as a University Professor of the Institute for Advanced Study matches to my ideals. I am not sure how far I can fulfill my mission according to my limited ability and time, but I would like to do my best. |
Academic Background
- March 1967
- Department of Synthetic Chemistry School of Engineering, Kyushu University
- March 1972
- Doctoral Program in Department of Synthetic Chemistry Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University
Occupation Background
- April 1972
- Lecturer of the School of Engineering, Kyushu University
- April 1972 – February 1974
- Postdoctoral Researcher of the Department of Chemistry, University of California, Santa Barbara
- April 1975
- Assistant Professor of the School of Engineering, Kyushu University
- December 1976
- Assistant Professor of the School of Engineering, Nagasaki University
- July 1987
- Assistant Professor of the School of Engineering, Kyushu University
- November 1988
- Professor of the School of Engineering, Kyushu University
- October 2009
- University Professor of Institute for Advanced Study, Kyushu University
- April 2018
- Senior Adviser of the Institute of Systems, Information Technologies and Nanotechnologies (ISIT)
Academic Awards・Awards
- F.Y.1985
- The Award of the Society of Polymer Science, Japan
- F.Y.2003
- The Chemical Society of Japan Award
- F.Y.2004
- Medal with Purple Ribbon
- F.Y.2006
- Toray Science and Technology Prize
- F.Y.2017
- The Order of the Sacred Treasure, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon
- F.Y.2018
- Person of Cultural Merit
Publication List
- Ono, F., Shinkai, S. & Watanabe, H. High Internal Phase Water/Oil and Oil/Water Gel Emulsions Formed Using a Glucose-Based Low-Molecular-Weight Gelator. New J. Chem. 42, 6601-6603 (2018).
- Roy, B., Noguchi, T., Yoshihara, D., Sakamoto, J. & Shinkai, S. A Facile Supramolecular Approach towards Strategic Fluorescence Switching and Recognition-Controlled Photoreduction. ChemPhotoChem 2, 67-71 (2018).
- Yoshihara, D., Noguchi, T., Roy, B., Sakamoto, J. & Shinkai, S. Design of a Hypersensitive pH-Sensory System Created by a Combination of Charge Neutralization and Aggregation-Induced Emission (AIE). Chem. Eur. J. 23, 17663-17666 (2017).
- Noguchi, T., Roy, B., Yoshihara, D., Sakamoto, J., Yamamoto, T. & Shinkai, S. A Chiral Recognition System Orchestrated by Self-Assembly: Molecular Chirality, Self-Assembly Morphology, and Fluorescence Response. Angew.Chem. Int. Ed. 56, 12518-12522 (2017).
- Roy, B., Noguchi, T., Yoshihara, D., Sakamoto, J., Yamamoto, T. & Shinkai, S. Adaptive Self-assembly Behavior Restrained by Supuramolecular Crystallization and Molecular Recognition. Chem. Eur. J. 23, 1937-1941 (2017).
- Sakamoto, J., Kita, R., Duelamae, I., Kunitake, M., Hirano, M., Yoshihara, D., Yamamoto, T., Noguchi, T., Roy, B. & Shinkai, S. Cohelical Crossover Network by Supramolecular Polymerization of a 4,6-Acetalized β-1,3-Glucan Macromer. ACS Macro Lett. 6, 21-26 (2017).
- Tuchiya, Y., Noguchi, T., Yoshihara, D., Roy, B., Yamamoto, T. & Shinkai, S. Conformation Control of a Conjugated Polymer through Complexation with Bile Acids Generates Its Novel Spectral and Morphological Properties. Langmuir 32, 12403-12412 (2016).
- Yoshihara, D., Noguchi, T., Roy, B., Sakamoto, J., Yamamoto, T. & Shinkai, S. Ratiometric Sensing of D-Glucose in a Combined Approach of Aggregation-induced Emission (AIE) and Dynamic Covalent Bond Formation. Chem. Lett. 45, 702-704 (2016).
- Roy, B., Noguchi, T., Yoshihara, D., Yamamoto, T., Sakamoto, J. & Shinkai, S. Amplified Fluorescence Emission of Bolaamphiphilic Perylene-azacrown Ether Derivatives Directed towards Molecular Recognition Events. PCCP 18, 13239-13245 (2016).
- Noguchi, T., Roy, B., Yoshihara, D., Sakamoto, J., Yamamoto, T. & Shinkai, S. Emergent Molecular Recognition through Self-Assembly: Unexpected Selectivity for Hyaluronic Acid among Glycosaminoglycans. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 55, 5708-5712 (2016).